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Bridgewater e-News - 05 May 2023



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Saturday, 27 July 2024


Dear Parents 

Coronation Celebration  

I arrived on Tuesday morning to see a very special visitor (cardboard cut-out of King Charles III) waiting in my office.  He had already made Jordan, our caretaker, jump out of his skin and then when Nursery walked past the VIP in the corridor I heard a shriek of surprise - the children bowed and curtsied on their way.  After lunch we all gathered in the hall for assembly. Mrs Troop taught us some facts about the coronation, we saw the golden coach and watched King Charles lll as a little boy.  We saw that he has always loved nature and wildlife and as such is gifting the children wildflower seeds, a lovely touch.  We were in for another wonderful surprise when every single child sang the coronation song and raised the roof - what a joyous sound. Then TnS lifted the kitchen shutters to share the 660 coronation afternoon teas they had secretly prepared with a little cream cheese and cucumber sandwich, a scone and a piece of chocolate cake (of course they had carefully catered for all allergies). The children enjoyed the afternoon tea around the building and on the field with their classmates and played some traditional games.  

It ties in with the British Value of: Mutual Respect and Tolerance 


I hope the children will have special memories and will remember this historic event. It is important to thank everyone for making it a special day and we wish King Charles lll an enjoyable day on May 6th. Don’t forget there is a special celebration in the Bridgewater Park run by the local residents on Sunday 7th should you like to pop along. 

More Surprise Visitors 

There was excitement in the Reception classrooms on Wednesday morning as our newest visitors had hatched from their egg shells overnight.  One kept trying to escape and Kailum, a past pupil who has returned on work experience, had the responsibility to check that Houdini didn’t escape. He is the cheekiest duckling and quite a challenge! All the ducklings have safely hatched and you can see updates on the large information display screen outside the office when you drop off or pick up.  

Breaking News … 

We also have a mother duck and her 10 mallard ducklings paddling in our school pond.  

Prime Drink Bottles

Please can we ask that children do not use empty Prime Drink bottles as water bottles at school. Using these bottles does suggest that the contents is not water and this is against school policy.

Frontier Centre 

Year 4 set off to the Frontier Centre on Wednesday in glorious sunshine.  They have thrown themselves into all the challenges and pushed themselves through their comfort zones to realise fantastic achievements.  They have taken part in bushcraft activities, archery, rock climbing and kayaking alongside having a bonfire and a disco. Thank you to Mrs Redden and the team for making it a wonderful experience and everyone at the Rock UK Frontier Centre at Stanwick.   The Frontier Centre instructors couldn’t praise our children enough, commending them on their behaviour, listening skills, enthusiasm and noted the way they encouraged and supported each other. Well done Year 4.

Year 6 SATs 

Get lots of rest this weekend Year 6, and we will see you all bright and early for breakfast on Tuesday from 8.30am.  You are well prepared; so relax, remember your strategies, and enjoy your week. 

Have another lovely Bank Holiday  

Mrs Alison Harvey


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