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Bridgewater e-News - 12 May 2023



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Saturday, 27 July 2024


Dear Parents 

Year 6 SATs 

Year 6 are to be commended on their positive, mature attitude to their SATs tests, corroborated by the governors who have been present this week checking that procedures for the tests are tight and that the children were able to do their best.  Thank you to the Y6 team and all the staff who have worked with the children over the years, we are all very proud of them.  Pino, our favourite Ice Cream man has just arrived with a well-deserved special treat for our hard-working Year 6 children … thank you Pino and the Friends who fund it.  

Playwriting Star 

Last term Grace in Year 4 had written a story called ‘Stargazer’ that was so impressive that she read it to the school in an assembly to inspire us all.  Grace had been attending playwriting sessions and took the opportunity to enter a competition run by the RSC.  Amazingly she has been shortlisted from 2000 entries down to 71 entries and we await to hear if her play will be one of the 37 selected winners.  Well done Grace so far, we will watch with keen interest.  

Rules Reminder for Drop off and Pick up 

1.      No mobile phones are to be used on site for safeguarding reasons. 

2.      Please be polite and respectful to staff. 

3.      Please walk anti – clockwise around the building at drop off and pick up times. 

4.      No bikes or scooters are to be ridden in the school grounds. 

5.      No parking in the drop off zone unless you have a blue badge. 

Art Exhibition 

Try to pop in to see our King Charles III art exhibition in the Ignite Hall next week, where all the children’s artwork will be showcased.  It will be Wednesday17th after school and Thursday 18th at drop off time first thing in the morning.  

Nursery Key Worker Meetings 

It has been a lovely opportunity for the Nursery Key Workers to meet with the parents this week and next week to share the children’s progress – thank you to Mrs Gilkes and the team.  

Walk to School Week

Next week is National Walk to School Week. This aims to encourage more people to walk, wheel, scoot or cycle either all or part of the way to school. It will be great to see as many of you as possible taking part in this!

‘The Big Help Out’ 

Thank you to Joel and Ozias in Year 5 who have helped to cheer up our environment.  They cleared out the miserable grey plant pot at the bottom of the slope and planted it up with cheerful, colourful plants.  They are a good example of King Charles’ project, ‘The Big Help Out’, volunteering in our community.  They will have to keep them well watered and weeded this term! 

Let’s hope all our little people ‘Help Out’ at home this weekend ? 

Mrs Alison Harvey


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