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Bridgewater e-News - 09 Feb 2024



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Thursday, 16 January 2025


Dear Parents  

Thank you, Rushden Academy 

Mr Lagdon, our Computing Lead writes…  

Key Stage Two experienced a brilliant online safety performance this morning from Rushden Academy following Safer Internet Day and also as part of Children's Mental Health week. They sat perfectly, totally captivated by the story being told to them which reflected a scenario that many of them may encounter now and as they get older. 

Key messages from the drama were discussed in class but it would be really beneficial if you could ask your children at home tonight what they saw/learnt from the performance. Themes included not adding strangers to any kind of online forum, never giving out personal details over the Internet and keeping adults informed of your online activity. 

The classroom discussions we had were insightful and the children had clearly taken on board what we had hoped. Please encourage them to talk to all of you about it this evening! 

Mental Health Week 

As Mr Lagdon says it has been a strong week for all the children which started with a poignant poem read by the Magnificent Minds group in Year 5.  Children were reminded to share their concerns via activities, circle time, twinning classes and stories through the theme, My Voice Matters linked to the United Nations Convention, the rights of the child Article 12.   Part of Article 12 says children and young people should be given the right information to make good decisions.  

Parking Around the School Site

A local resident has asked us to request that parents do not park on the grass verges on Taunton Avenue. Due to the very wet weather recently, parking on the verges has resulted in them being damaged and requiring re-seeding. As ever, we would ask all our parents to park and drive with care and consideration to the local community and residents. Thank you.

Early Years Champions 

Six Early Years children returned triumphant from Benham this morning with a huge trophy for coming first in a Multi-Skills event against 14 schools. Thank you, Miss Peal and Mrs Mustafaraj for accompanying the children and cheering them on. 

Have a lovely weekend 

Alison Harvey 

Mrs Alison Harvey


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