Dear Parents
Online Safety Updates
Please take some time over the weekend to read the Online Safety Newsletter that Mrs Redden sent out this week. There are some good links to explore and some powerful messages to take onboard. We are seeing the impact of evolving online habits in school and are passionate about continuing to work closely with you so that the children have the best opportunities online that are age appropriate and reduce the risk of harm now and in the future. Now is the time to start practising healthy online habits.
There is also an interesting article regarding a ‘Smartphone Free Childhood’ that we referred to before Easter. We reminded parents in Year 4 that if they are going to purchase a phone for when their children are able to walk home in Year 5, they should consider purchasing a brick phone.
Path to Paris
We will be starting activities next week towards the ‘Path to Paris’ which is an event prior to the Olympics where, as a school we need to achieve the distance covered between Northampton and Paris. We are aiming to achieve 60 minutes a day – the children could start this Bank Holiday weekend – I’m sure bikes and scooters count to get those miles in!
Multiplication Tables
Our Maths Leaders, Miss Knight and Miss Holmes are having a push on timetables at the moment. The children could get some extra practice in this weekend on Times Tables Rockstars (Y2 and above) and everyone else keep counting and adding, the groceries, ingredients in recipes etc whilst having fun.
Year 1 Trip to Northampton Shoe Museum
The children learnt a lot of interesting facts about Northampton shoe industry in the town museum. The children were complimented on their excellent listening skills and good manners. The highlight of the day was of course the coach journey and the picnic!
I hope we see some sunshine and have a lovely weekend
Alison Harvey