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Bridgewater e-News - 5 October 2018



Bridgewater e-News

Issue: X | Date : Saturday, 04 May 2024


Dear Parents

As I’m sure you’re aware it has been a very exciting week with the hatching of our chicks.  The children have been fascinated by the events on the webcam and like to keep up with developments.  Rest assured our chicks are very well looked after and have a very good home to go to after two weeks in our care.  Thank you to Mrs Wooder and Mrs Hallett who booked the company and have kept them clean, fed and watered ever since as well as inspiring us all to get involved by creating the buzz and excitement.  We would like to reassure you that the company we have used is an ethical company who are passionate about the animal’s welfare.  

Summer Reading Challenge

Alan Boon from the local Weston Favell library wrote to us to let us know how well our children had done in the local summer reading challenge. Bridgewater finished 3rd out of 14 schools with 43 children finishing the challenge.  Mrs Tasher, our school librarian, is also providing lots of reading opportunities in our own vibrant school library and Miss Paine and Mrs Mawer are hooking the children in to some amazing texts across the school.  We want this to be the year all children are inspired to grab a book and relax whatever genre that may be!  

Diwali workshops

The children in Y5 have been working with Paul from Festive Road making beautiful lanterns for the Diwali Parade on the evening of Saturday 3 November.  Come along if you can as it’s a wonderful spectacle when lots of local schools’ parade through Northampton Town with their lanterns illuminated as night falls. 

Disney Day

Lots of children enjoyed their Disney dinner yesterday thanks to our wonderful chef’s and lunch time supervisor’s. 

Quick but important messages

·       Drop and Go

When you pick up the children can you leave the site quickly as we can’t let the Out of School Club children outside safely until the site is clear. Thank you.

·       Mobile phones

Mobile phones should not be used within the school grounds for safeguarding reasons.

·       Lateness

Governors have noted that we have too many children arriving late for school.  Please try to get them here on time as the children can feel uncomfortable coming in to school late and don’t like to miss their morning work.

·       Older children come straight in to school

Please ensure that older children who are dropped off outside or walk to school come straight in as some have gone back outside where accidents have occurred and adults aren’t aware of their whereabouts.

Thank you to 4 Lowry for their ancient Egyptian assembly this afternoon.  The singing, as usual, was fantastic and we were all surprised by the Mummy!

Finally, we had a fantastic time with the Y6 children at Osmington Bay last week where the PGL staff couldn’t do enough for us.  We had beautiful weather and several children commented on the views and scenery including the starry night sky; it was lovely that they were so appreciative of their surroundings.  They all showed great character as they fully engaged in every aspect of the trip including some challenging activities and it was lovely to see the support that they gave to each other.  Thank you to all the staff who worked tirelessly to make sure they had a great week.

Have a super weekend.

Alison Harvey




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Address: Bridgewater Dr, Northampton NN3 3AF, United Kingdom, Phone:+44 1604 637056