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Bridgewater e-News - 06 Oct 2023



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Thursday, 16 January 2025


Dear Parents

Phonics Evening

It was great to have such a good turnout of parents at the Reception Reading Information evening yesterday.  Thank you, Miss Valentine, Reading Lead, Mrs Spina, Phonics Lead, Mrs McNair, AHT and Mrs Wise, Early Phase Leader for updating everyone on our ‘Sounds Write’ approach to teaching phonics.  Those who couldn’t attend were forwarded a PDF of the PowerPoint and have a paper copy in the book bags, which I hope you find useful.  If you need clarification of how to support your child, please see a member of staff.

Flu Immunisation

This week all children whose parents had signed the consent form had the flu spray which will hopefully slow down the spread of germs as we head into winter. Thank you to the full team of nurses who were very friendly, quick and efficient.

Northamptonshire Job Fair

Mrs Atlas, Mrs Watson and Mrs Bayes attended a Northamptonshire Job Fair this week advertising our Teaching Assistant and lunch Time Supervisor roles in school.  If you or anyone you know is interested in working in our friendly and supportive school, please let them know that we currently have some vacancies which can be found on the website.

Rugby Tournament

Well done to our Year 3 & 4 rugby players who worked very well together as a team and took part in a tournament this week coming a commendable 5th. Thank you, Mrs Woodard and Mrs De Silva, for being the team coaches.

NMPAT Music Workshop

All the children in Year 3 will be learning the Ukelele with Mr Dicken from NMPAT music services this year and will be performing for their families.  They are listening hard and sound very good together.

Congratulations Amaia

Amaia in Year 4 must practice extremely hard and enjoy her Irish Dancing as she won the World Championships for her age group – amazing!

Learning Walk

We visited all the classes this week, who were teaching the foundation curriculum subjects and we could see that the learning is scaffolded with skill so that the children are challenged to achieve their best. The lessons were very clear and concise, and the children could recall facts and gather new understanding in geography, history, computing and Spanish.

Thank you, Mrs Burrows and The MacMillan Nurses

Mrs Burrows organised a MacMillan coffee morning for all the staff in memory of our very special Teaching Assistant Mrs Biddle, who was supported by MacMillan nurses.  She raised more than £300 and Mrs Washington was our lucky winner of the grand raffle prize - a stunning cake baked by the very talented, Mrs Watson and decorated by Mrs Atlas with great enthusiasm with all our favourite chocolates. Mouthwatering!

School Photographs

The school photographs will take place next Wednesday 11th October so please send the children in bright, clean and shiny and hopefully they will remain like that for the photos!

Have a lovely weekend.

Alison Harvey


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