Dear Parents
Roll up Roll up
Come along to the Summer Fair tomorrow at
1pm … only £1 entry and children under 3 free
Games, activities, bouncy castle, hog roast, class stalls, raffle, tombola
and lots more.
Don’t forget the ice cream van!
Governor Survey
You still have another two weeks to complete the survey that governors sent out. Please do take a moment to do this so that we get a comprehensive balance of parent views. It’s a good chance to have your say.
Maths Week
Children have been all around school with clip boards this week and have loved solving data problems. Nursery learnt about hexagons, bees and butterfly symmetry. Early Years collected data and want the school P.E. uniform to be pink! Don’t rush out and buy anything! Year 1 collected evidence from their peers and then designed their favourite meal. Year 2 collected data in Year 1 and were toy shop workers. Year 3 compiled statistics and bar charts to create the optimum ice cream. Year 4 collected data about amusement park rides and made bar charts. Year 5 researched and designed trainers. Year 6 designed an app on the chrome books.
Data collection and analysis is going to be a key skill for their futures in the world of work.
Online Safety
Please see if you can find the time this weekend to catch up with your children and check their devices to ensure they are accessing things at an age-appropriate level. Pay special attention to YouTube settings as we know they are using it as low as Year 4, where they’ve set up their own channels which can leave them vulnerable if not closely supervised.
Oracy 21
We are involved as a school in an Oracy project and yesterday, as part of a development day, we worked with Laura from Voice 21 to plan our next steps. So far, we have noticed the impact of using STEM sentences to organise the children’s thoughts and discussions and uplevel our vocabulary. They are becoming more articulate and confident in their ideas.
New Intake Evening
We had an amazing turnout for the New Intake Evening. It was lovely to put names to faces and meet the families. Our ambassadors showed everyone into the hall and then I asked them to introduce themselves and maybe say a little about their ambassador role or about Bridgewater. They absolutely stunned us all with their articulate, confident, off the cuff thoughts about how nurtured they felt, how they had enjoyed their learning and feel prepared for the future. Well done ambassadors and thank you.
Sports Events
Year 3 and Year 4 played Diamond Cricket at Benham today and we came first! Well done team.
Both Year 2 and Year 6 teams of teachers were moderated this week by the LA who were delighted that the teams were so well organised, know the children’s strengths and next steps in detail and make honest, accurate judgements. They loved reading the writing pieces, some of which were very moving. Well done, staff and children!
Have a lovely weekend
Alison Harvey
Link to website:
Mrs Alison Harvey