Inclusion at Bridgewater Primary School
Inclusion at Bridgewater Primary School
Who we are
- Mrs Frances Troop* – Deputy Head teacher/ Inclusion Lead/MA in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion /Specialist Teacher of Dyslexia/Designated teacher for Looked After Children/Strategic Lead for children who have experienced trauma and loss (University of Brighton)
- Mrs Nicola Redden* – Bridgewater SENDCo /Upper Phase Leader/Online Safety/ Anti-Bullying Lead
- Miss Emma Ottaway - Parent Link Worker
- Mrs Hannah Watt – EAL/EMA
- Mrs Angela Watson – Governor with responsibility for Inclusion and SEN
*Holds the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination
We also have an enthusiastic and dedicated group of Learning Support Assistants and HLTAs working alongside us, supporting children with additional needs throughout the school.
An overview of Inclusion and Pastoral Care
At Bridgewater, we are delighted to have been recognised for the importance that inclusion plays within our school, which is detailed in our Ofsted Report, 2018.
Alongside our team of dedicated teachers and non-teaching staff, we aim to:
- Support all children in feeling that they belong whilst meeting their individual needs
- Reduce barriers to learning and ensure participation
- Recognise strengths and identify areas of difficultly to plan carefully-matched, personalised provision
- Ensure interventions are closely matched to need
- Offer additional social and emotional support through our nurture and pastoral care programmes
- Signpost families to additional services and outside agencies when appropriate
Students identified as having a disability or special educational need, either on entry or during their time at Bridgewater Primary, will receive additional learning support in line with their specific need; this is regularly monitored. Students with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs) will receive support in line with the recommendations of the Local Authority, who will have been involved in the statutory process.
Mental Health and Nurture Support
The Bridge (our dedicated Nurture area) supports children across the school with nurturing and therapeutic activities, in groups and 1:1 sessions, as appropriate and in line with our school risk assessment.
Our Parent Link Worker can offer additional support for families and co-ordinate the Early Help Assessments.
Alongside support in school, we also work with other outside agencies and services, such as:
- Community Paediatricians
- Educational Psychology Service
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
- School Nursing Team
- Children’s Hearing Clinic
- Children’s Occupational Health
- Children’s Physiotherapy Service
- Specialist SEN Service
- SEMH panel
- Sensory Impairment Teachers
We also commission support from other services, as appropriate, such as:
- Target Autism
- Educational Psychology Service
The expectation is that when the school commissions outside agencies that parents/carers commit to working in partnership with them and the school in order to improve the outcomes for the child involved.
If you have concerns about your child
As a parent/carer, if you have any concerns, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. If you need further support, please contact the School Office for an appointment.
We also welcome visits or telephone appointments from prospective parents, whose children have additional needs. We encourage you to come and meet us and see around our school. Further information including our school’s offer can be found in the Inclusion/SEN Policy.
To contact the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator please email Mrs Nicola Redden:
The link to Northamptonshire’s Local Offer is found at: Local Offer | West Northamptonshire Council (