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Welcome Back

We had a lovely start to the term accompanied by some glorious weather.

The AMEY team and the Grounds Team had worked hard over the summer and everything looked smart for our return.  The fruit and vegetables had ripened around the grounds and tasted delicious!  Nursery were outside practising their cutting skills and keeping the herbs neat and were having a splashing time in the water tray.  In fact all the children were outside taking advantage of the sunshine. 

We revisited our school values when everyone gathered in the school hall for assembly where we sang together and shared a beautiful book.  We spent the week creating poetry from the inspiring book, The Lost Words,  and you can see an illustration in the picture below from the book.  Meanwhile children were straight back working on the whole curriculum  with children across the school carefully using the place value and other maths equipment  to support their learning.

We have already welcomed some new Nursery children and this week welcome the first group of Reception children as well as some new children across the school.  

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Recent Comments

Lovely to see so many happy faces
My son and his friend came home very excited after this lesson. Usually I don’t get much out of him ...
Fabulous parade & well done Bridgewater on your lanterns x
Grace’s favourite place in the whole school!
This looks like an amazing experience! Well done Year 6 and all the staff!