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A Garden of Gratitude

Last term Mrs Redden, our Anti-Bullying leader led the school to create, 'A Garden of Gratitude', which every child contributed to.  It resulted in a lot of deep thought and reflection culminating in this beautiful display.  Thank you also to Mrs Parker and Mrs Hinde who assembled it with such care so that it catches our eye every time we walk along the corridor.  I have seen so many children crowded around reading the messages.  Read below and you can find Mrs Reddens explanation.  Alongside this the children's anti-bullying team put together a child friendly policy which can also be found on the website.  

The children often show empathy, integrity and gratitude around the school.  I for one, am very grateful to work in such a thriving learning community with a supportive team where we are all focused on growing well rounded children, prepared for the future.
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Lovely to see so many happy faces
My son and his friend came home very excited after this lesson. Usually I don’t get much out of him ...
Fabulous parade & well done Bridgewater on your lanterns x
Grace’s favourite place in the whole school!
This looks like an amazing experience! Well done Year 6 and all the staff!