Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Our Year 6 Team consists of:
Walhol Class - Miss Sophie Holmes, Upper Phase Lead
Vasarely Class - Mr Craig Wilson, Class Teacher
Biss Class - Miss Hayley Brown, Class Teacher and Mrs Sophie McNair, Assistant Headteacher
Year 6 are supported by Mrs Saima Masood, Ms Laura Bayes & Miss Elaina Wisdom-Peters & Mirs Sophie Maule, Intervention Teacher
Our HLTA is Miss Kirsty Morley
In Year 6, we strive to meet the end of Key Stage 2 expectations and prepare the children for their SATs in a supportive environment. We try to instil independence in the children, as well as develop their resilience and the skills they will need to prepare them for Secondary School and beyond.
You will find our curriculum information further down the page!
Battle of the Beaks!
- Details
- Published: Thursday, 15 February 2024 17:24
- Written by Year Six
In our Evolution and Inheritance unit for science this term we have been learning about Natural Selection. We learnt about Charles Darwin's discovery of how finches have different shaped beaks on the different islands of the Galapagos. He found that the finches' beaks had adapted over time to suit the available food source on their particular island. The birds with the best beaks to access the food available in their environment would be stronger and therefore pass on this favourable adaptation to their offspring until that beak type dominated on their island - natural selection - the survival of the fittest. The children conducted their own experiment to simulate what Darwin found and we compared our results.
We have also been looking at how the Peppered Moth had to evolve due to the Industrial revolution. Natural selection meant that the darker moths were surviving whilst the white ones were eaten by predators as they were no longer able to camouflage against the trees. After learning about this, we simulated this in the classroom with moths made from black paper and newspaper.
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Helping at Home
In Year 6, the children are set two pieces of home learning each week which should be completed in their homework books. It will be set on a Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. In addition to this, please continue to support your child with their reading by regularly reading to them, listening to them read and asking them questions about their reading. Please ensure they log it on Boom reader.
Our Year 6 PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday so please ensure your child wears their PE kit in school on this day.