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Colour Mixing

IMG 8377

The children have been busy artists in the Reception atelier over the last couple of weeks as they have been exploring colour mixing. Starting with the primary colours of red, blue and yellow they used food colouring and filter paper to explore what secondary colours they could make when they mixed red and blue, red and yellow and blue and yellow. The fascination on their faces was brilliant as they watched the colours merging and transforming in front of their eyes. They were amazed to see that these three colours could be used to make purple, orange and green! It was wonderful to see the children using this new learning to mix their own colours at the art easel and we look forward to seeing how the children continue to use this knowledge in their continuous provision learning over the coming weeks.

Reception Curriculum

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Recent Comments

What a super experience! I'm sure that there are some budding officers amongst you! Mrs White :-)...
Jasmine enjoyed doing the assembly ☺
Yummy xx looks like they had a great day
A fantastic video! Well done reception for being super sporty stars:-)??
Wow what fantastic creations! Well done everyone

Helping at Home

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