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Storytelling Week

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Here in Reception we love stories and books and everyday is a storytelling day and so we were thrilled to celebrate Storytelling Week at the start of the month. This term we have been studying the super text 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. The children enjoyed watching Michael performing the text and discussed what makes him such a good storyteller. Inspired by Michael each of the Reception Classes learnt to retell and perform the story complete with actions, which culminated in a performance to their twinned class. The children memorised the text so well and performed with such great enthusiasm!

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The children in our twinned Year 5 classes had also been busy and had become authors and actually written their own stories to share with us! It was a joy to see the older children sharing their stories with the younger children, who were amazed by the wonderful variety of stories shared!

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A few of the Year 5 children were very brave and performed their stories to the whole class. Thank you Year 5 your stories were brilliant!

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What a super experience! I'm sure that there are some budding officers amongst you! Mrs White :-)...
Jasmine enjoyed doing the assembly ☺
Yummy xx looks like they had a great day
A fantastic video! Well done reception for being super sporty stars:-)??
Wow what fantastic creations! Well done everyone

Helping at Home

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